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Taiko Community Call #11 Quiz Answers

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In this article, you’ll learn the Taiko Community Call #11 Quiz Answers (Galxe) to get 30 points for free.

Question: When is the scheduled release date for the mainnet?

Answer: Before the end of Q2.

Question: What is the total prize pool for the bug bounty program organized in collaboration with Code4rena?

Answer: $140,000 USDC.

Question: What is the purpose of the STN tool?

Answer: Managing Taiko nodes.

Question: What is the purpose of the attestation process for provers?

Answer: To prove that they can generate SGX+ZK proofs.

Question: How many testnets are scheduled to occur after the A6 testnet but before the launch of the mainnet?

Answer: One.

Further reading

Taking the Protocol Guild Pledge Taiko Quiz Answers

WTF are Booster Rollups Taiko Quiz Answers

DOP Decoded Quiz Answers