How to Solve “A man steals a $100 bill from a store’s register”

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Riddles are an ancient form of entertainment and education over 4,000 years ago.

They were first discovered in Cuneiform, which is the language of the Sumerians.

The oldest riddle is “The Riddle of the Sphinx”, which comes from Greek mythology.

The most famous riddle today is the “Why did the chicken cross the road?” riddle.

Riddles are great for kids because it stimulates their mind and keeps them occupied.

In pop culture, they are frequently mentioned in movies and television series.

In this article you’ll learn how to solve the “A man steals a $100 bill from a store’s register. Then he buys $70 worth of goods” riddle.

How to Solve “A man steals a $100 bill from a store’s register”

A man steals a $100 bill from a store's register

Question: A man steals a $100 bill from a store’s register. Then he buys $70 worth of goods at that store using the $100 bill, and gets $30 change. How much money did the store lose?

Answer: The store lost $100.

Explanation: The man stole $100 from the register, so the store lost $100 initially. The man bought $70 worth of goods using the stolen $100 bill, so the store gained $70 in goods but lost $100 in cash. The net loss was $30. The store gave the man $30 change, so the store lost another $30 in cash. The total loss for the store was $100 + $30 = $130, but the store also gained $70 in goods, so the net loss was $130 – $70 = $100.

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