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How To Take Photos For Etsy

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Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade and vintage goods. If you want to sell your products on Etsy, you need to take high-quality photos that showcase your creativity and craftsmanship. Photos are the first thing that potential buyers see when they browse your shop, and they can make or break your sales. In this article, we will share some tips on how to take photos for Etsy that will attract more customers and increase your conversions.

We will cover how to take photos with a camera or a phone, how to match the background with your products, how to adjust the light properly, and how to edit your photos using ZMO.AI’s AI photo editor. By following these tips, you will be able to create stunning photos that will make your Etsy shop stand out from the crowd.

How to Take Photos for Etsy with a Camera

If you have a camera, you can use it to take professional-looking photos for your Etsy products. Here are some tips on how to use your camera effectively:

Choose the right camera. You don’t need an expensive or fancy camera to take good photos for Etsy. A simple point-and-shoot camera or a DSLR camera can work well, as long as it has a decent resolution and a good lens. You can also use a tripod to stabilize your camera and avoid blurry shots.

Shoot with different types. 

Depending on the size and shape of your products, you may want to use different types of shots to showcase them. For example, you can use a close-up shot to capture the details and textures of your product, a medium shot to show the product about its surroundings, or a wide shot to show the product in context. You can use different angles and perspectives to create interest and variety in your photos.

Match the background with your products. 

The background of your photos can affect the mood and style of your products. You want to choose a background that complements your products and enhances their features. For example, if you are selling colorful and vibrant products, you may want to use a plain and neutral background to make them stand out. If you are selling rustic and vintage products, you may want to use a wooden or textured background to create a cozy and nostalgic feel. You can also use props and accessories to add some personality and flair to your photos.

Adjust the light properly for different products. 

Lighting is one of the most important factors in photography, as it can affect the colors, shadows, and contrast of your photos. You want to use natural or artificial light to illuminate your products and make them look appealing. Here are some tips on how to use different types of light for your products:

Applying natural light

Natural light is the best source of light for photography, as it can create soft and realistic effects. You can use natural light from the sun or the sky to take photos of your products. The best time to use natural light is in the morning or in the evening when the light is not too harsh or too dim. You can also use a window or a reflector to diffuse and direct the natural light to your products.

Applying artificial light

Artificial light is the light from lamps, bulbs, or flashes. You can use artificial light to take photos of your products when natural light is not available or sufficient. However, artificial light can create harsh and unnatural effects, so you need to be careful with how you use it. You can use a softbox or an umbrella to soften and diffuse the artificial light to your products. You can use a white balance setting or a filter to adjust the color temperature of the artificial light to match the natural light.

Make good Etsy picture frames

The way you frame your products in your photos can affect how they look and how they attract attention. You want to use a frame that fits your products and highlights their features. You can use the rule of thirds to create a balanced and dynamic composition. The rule of thirds is a technique that divides your photo into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. You can place your products along the lines or at the intersections to create interest and focus in your photos.

Follow the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a technique that divides your photo into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. You can place your products along the lines or at the intersections to create interest and focus in your photos.

How to Take Product Photos for Etsy with iPhone

If you don’t have a camera, you can still take great photos of your Etsy products with your iPhone. Here are some tips on how to use your phone to shoot:

Use the camera app. 

You can use the built-in camera app on your iPhone to take photos of your products. You can adjust the focus, exposure, and zoom by tapping on the screen. You can also use the grid feature to align your products with the rule of thirds. You can switch between the rear and front cameras by tapping on the icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Use a tripod or a stand. 

To avoid shaky and blurry photos, you can use a tripod or a stand to hold your phone steady. You can also use a remote shutter or a timer to take photos without touching your phone.

Use natural or artificial light. 

Just like with a camera, you can use natural or artificial light to illuminate your products. You can follow the same tips as mentioned in the previous section. You can use the flash feature on your phone to add some extra light, but be careful not to overexpose or create harsh shadows on your products.

Use the portrait mode. 

If you have an iPhone with a dual-lens camera, you can use the portrait mode to create a blurred background effect for your products. This can make your products stand out and look more professional. To use the portrait mode, you need to switch to the telephoto lens by tapping on the icon at the bottom left corner of the screen. Then, you need to position your phone at a distance of about 8 inches from your product. You will see a yellow box on the screen indicating that your product is in focus. You can then tap on the shutter button to take the photo. You can adjust the depth of field and the lighting effects after taking the photo by tapping on the edit button.

How to Edit Photos for Etsy

After taking your photos, you may want to edit them to make them look more polished and professional. You can use ZMO.AI’s AI photo editor to edit your photos easily and quickly. Here are some steps on how to use ZMO.AI’s AI photo editor:

Step 1: Go to AI Photo Editor from the menu of the website. 

You can access ZMO.AI’s AI photo editor from the menu of the website. You will see a page where you can upload your photo or choose a sample photo to edit.

Step 2: Upload the photo. 

You can upload your photo by clicking on the upload button or dragging and dropping your file. You can also choose a sample photo from the gallery to edit.

Step 3: Change the background. 

You can change the background of your photo by clicking on the change background button. You will see a list of categories where you can choose a new background for your photo. You can upload your background image or use a solid color. You can adjust the size, position, and opacity of the background to fit your photo.

Step 5: Edit the photo with different features. 

You can edit your photo with different features by clicking on the edit photo button. You will see a toolbar where you can apply various effects and adjustments to your photo. For example, you can crop, rotate, resize, flip, or straighten your photo. You can enhance, filter, sharpen, blur, or add noise to your photo. You can add text, stickers, shapes, or drawings to your photo. 

Step 6: Save and download the photo. 

After editing your photo, you can save and download it by clicking on the download button. 


Taking photos for Etsy can be fun and easy if you follow these tips. You can use a camera or a phone to take high-quality photos that showcase your products. You can also use ZMO.AI’s AI photo editor to edit your photos and make them look more attractive and professional. By taking good photos for Etsy, you can increase your visibility, credibility, and sales on the platform. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new.