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The Best Time to Post YouTube Shorts (From a 7-Figure YouTuber)

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They say content is king.

But when it comes to YouTube Shorts, is it just about the content?

Or is timing the real factor that makes or breaks the content’s success?

I’d say it’s both.

But… if you master the timing of your YouTube Shorts, your views can skyrocket.

And I know this because I’ve done it myself.

With over 200,000 subscribers on my channel, I’ve tested the best times to post—and I’m here to help you get it right.

In this guide, I’ll show you the best time to post youtube shorts to get more views and engagement.

What Is The Best Time To Post YouTube Shorts?

I’ll start by saying the best time to post depends on your situation.

I know… not the most helpful answer.

But it’s also the most realistic.

That said, here’s what we know so far.

Vaizle Insights suggests that posting on Mondays or Tuesdays works best, with ideal windows between 12 to 3 PM and 7 to 10 PM.

However, other sources disagree.

Buffer recommends posting on Fridays from 3 to 4 PM, with Thursday at 6 PM and Tuesday at 2 PM also being solid options.

What are the creators themselves saying?

According to this Reddit post, some get the most views between 7 PM and 11 PM PST.

I think this makes sense – people are likely winding down after work or school.

And that’s a great time for them to be on YouTube.

But here’s an interesting twist.

A Reddit user on the same thread shared that their Shorts typically get 100-500 views in the first 15 hours – no matter when they post.

However, something strange happens at the 24-hour mark—their views suddenly shoot up to around 8,000.

This shows how the algorithm might kick in later, making initial timing less crucial than it seems.

So what’s the bottom line?

Experimenting is key.

Every audience is different, and your audience’s habits may not match up with general advice.

Try posting at different times and analyze the results.

Focus not just on the time of day, but also on your audience’s location and daily routines.

This is the best way to find that sweet spot for your content.

Timing Factors Affecting Your Shorts’ Performance

While no one answer fits all creators, here are the main factors to consider for your situation.

Day of the Week

Not all days are equal in the world of YouTube Shorts.

Some days just seem to generate more views.

But it’s not as simple as picking the most popular day across the board.

You’ve got to think about your audience.

Are they scrolling through Shorts on Monday (while thinking about Monday blues), or are they more likely to tune in on a lazy Sunday?

The trick is figuring out when your viewers are most likely to be online.

Time of Day

Just like the day, the time you post matters, too.

At peak hours, YouTube is buzzing, and you want to ride that wave of activity.

Take a look at your analytics and find the time your audience is most active.

Then, adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

And if your viewers span multiple time zones?

That’s another layer to factor into your strategy.

Your Audience’s Habits

Consider these 3 questions:

  • Who are your viewers?
    • Are they more night owls?
    • Or early birds?

Knowing your audience’s lifestyle (and preferences) can give you a big advantage.

Align your posting times with your viewers’ habits and increase the chances of your Shorts getting seen, liked, and shared.

If your content taps into what’s popular or relevant at the moment, you’re more likely to grab people’s attention.

Look at trending hashtags to help you come up with new ideas.

These hashtags are also great to get your Shorts discovered.

Just make sure the trend aligns with your content so it feels authentic.

Competitor Insights

It never hurts to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing.

When are they posting?

Are their videos performing well at certain times?

You can gather valuable insights by seeing what’s working for others.

But don’t just copy—find gaps where you can shine.

Maybe there’s a time slot they’re overlooking that you can take advantage of.

Ultimately, all these factors work together like pieces of a puzzle.

Finding the right combination of day, time, and content for your channel will take some experimentation.

But that’s also part of the journey.

Keep testing, keep learning, and before long, you’ll discover your Shorts sweet spot!

How To Find The Right Timing For Your Short Video Posts

Now that you know the factors to look out for, here’s a guide to follow.

Step 1: Experiment

Treat your posting schedule like a science experiment.

You must test different days and times to see what resonates with your audience.

Try posting at different hours throughout the week and observe how your Shorts perform.

Keep a close eye on views, likes, comments, and shares.

These metrics will give you clues about when your audience is most engaged.

Step 2: Tap into YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics is your secret weapon here.

It’s your window into your audience’s behavior.

Check when your viewers are online, what times they’re most active, and which videos have performed best.

These insights can help you pinpoint the ideal times to post.

Make sure to check not only general performance but also when the bulk of your audience tunes in.

This will help fine-tune your schedule.

Step 3: Stay Consistent

Consistency is huge.

None of the above matters if you’re not posting videos on schedule.

Your viewers are creatures of habit.

Stick to a consistent posting schedule so your audience can anticipate when new content is coming.

At the same time, don’t be afraid to tweak things if your current schedule isn’t delivering the desired results.

Flexibility is the beauty of Shorts.

You can quickly adjust based on feedback and performance.

Step 4: Keep Testing and Refining

There’s no universal rule for the perfect posting time.

What works for one creator might not work for another.

The key is to keep testing, analyzing, and refining your approach.

Monitor your progress over time, adjust as needed, and don’t be afraid to shake things up.


Finding the sweet spot for your Shorts might take effort.

It’s also absolutely worth it.

Stay patient, keep experimenting, and you’ll soon land on a schedule that works best for your channel and audience.

And most of all, don’t forget to be consistent.

Because if you’re not, nothing else matters.

Further reading on

If you’re interested in enhancing your YouTube Shorts’ visual appeal, check out this guide on YouTube Shorts aspect ratios.

This ensures your content looks great on every device.

You can also explore the top viral tags for YouTube Shorts to help your content reach a wider audience.

Looking to branch out into new video ideas?

These AI-powered YouTube channel ideas could spark inspiration for your next big hit.

Or, if you’re in the mood for some humor, check out these funny YouTube video ideas to get your audience laughing.