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War of the Worlds AR Quiz Answers

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Accelerated Reader is a reading program designed for students’ reading practice.

It’s suitable for various settings, including in-person, remote, and hybrid learning.

Based on student’s interests, AR includes goals, quizzes, and recommendations.

The program tracks progress through reports and offers insights into students’ literacy.

Additionally, it provides user-friendly tools for administrators, teachers, and families.

This guide contains all of the War of the Worlds AR quiz answers by Pauline Francis (Renaissance Accelerated Reading).

War of the Worlds AR Quiz Answers

Question: How did the newspaper boy describe the Martians at the start of the story?

Answer: “Dead men from Mars”.

Question: The first Martian was described in all of these ways EXCEPT on. Which one?

Answer: It had greenish skin.

Question: Having reached Leatherhead, the narrator went back to Marybury Hill. Why?

Answer: He wanted to be there to see the Martians destroyed.

Question: Who accompanied the narrator as he headed towards London?

Answer: A soldier.

Question: Who saved the narrator from certain death near the village of Shepperton?

Answer: The nearest Martians were busy tending one of their dead.

Question: Where did the narrator’s brother head for?

Answer: France.

Question: What did the narrator conclude as he observed the fifth cylinder?

Answer: Earth’s stronger gravity made it difficult for the Martians to move.

Question: Why did the narrator hit the curate with the handle of a meat-chopper?

Answer: The curate had tried to go and speak the word of God to the Martians.

Question: What killed off the Martians?

Answer: They fed from people on earth, and died from the germs.

Question: Where was a Martian tripod left standing at the end of the story?

Answer: Primrose Hill.

Further reading

Mr Stink AR Quiz Answers

The Silmarillion AR Quiz Answers

The Dark Secret AR Quiz Answers