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Darling Guess Who’s Back from Jail Sound

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“Darling guess who’s back from jail” is an audio clip that went viral on TikTok.

The audio clip contains the voice of the TikToker, @carringtonxx.

In the video, the TikToker made a voice impression of a man who’s just released from jail.

The audio is meant for girls to play if they feel “unsafe” in their Uber.

This article contains the darling guess who’s back from jail sound on TikTok, where it came from, the original video, and more.

Darling guess who’s back from jail meme

The “Darling guess who’s back from jail” meme refers to a satirical audio by the TikToker, @carringtonxx.

The TikToker recorded a video of himself in his car while doing a voice impression of a man who’s just released from jail.

He deliberately spoke in a coarse voice—depicting an intimidating man.

The video is meant for girls to play if they feel “unsafe” in their Uber.

The TikToker was playing as a “boyfriend” as he used words like “darling”, “baby”, and “love”.

He even added responses on the video for the other party to say out loud.

Many girls hopped on the trend and played the audio while taking an Uber.

This confused many Uber drivers—one even made a Reddit post on r/uberdrivers describing the incident.

Darling guess who’s back from jail original video

The original video is by @carringtonxx on TikTok (uploaded on the 2nd of February).

The video got over 29 million views and more than 4.6 million likes.

Here’s the script:

  • Him: Darling, guess who’s back from jail?
  • You: OMG! You’re free?
  • Him: That’s right, baby. Daddy’s home from prison.
  • You: Yay! Welcome back, my king!
  • Him: I’ve been dreaming about this moment for the past 16 years.
  • You: Well, you did commit horrendous tortures.
  • Him: Yes, yes, yes! And I miss you, my love. Darling, what is your location? What are you doing right now? Tell me right now!
  • You: Calm down, you barbarian! I’m in an Uber.
  • Him: Put your Uber driver on the phone. Put him on the phone.
  • You: No, please stop, I won’t let you hurt him!
  • Him: Okay darling, well, your location will do.
  • You: I oblige, my lord.
  • Him: Okay, just know daddy’s back from jail, and he’s coming for you.

Further reading

You Need a Hug Meme

Merrily We Fall Out of Line Song Lyrics

Bye Bye Mewing TikTok Song