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The Time Machine by Pauline Francis AR Quiz Answers

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Accelerated Reader is a reading program designed for students’ reading practice.

It’s suitable for various settings, including in-person, remote, and hybrid learning.

Based on student’s interests, AR includes goals, quizzes, and recommendations.

The program tracks progress through reports and offers insights into students’ literacy.

Additionally, it provides user-friendly tools for administrators, teachers, and families.

This guide contains all of The Time Machine AR quiz answers by Pauline Francis (Renaissance Accelerated Reading).

The Time Machine by Pauline Francis AR Quiz Answers

Question: What did the Time Traveller hold out in his hand to show his dinner guests?

Answer: A model of his Time Machine.

Question: The first time the Time Traveller used his machine he was away for —.

Answer: Five hours.

Question: The Eloi thought the Time Traveller had come from —.

Answer: The sun in a thunderstorm.

Question: Why was the Time Traveller amazed by the building the Eloi took him to?

Answer: It was shabby and many of the windows were broken.

Question: When did the Time Traveller’s friendship with Weena begin?

Answer: After he saved her from drowning.

Question: Why did the Time Traveller climb down into one of the wells?

Answer: He was searching for his Time Machine.

Question: What realization did the Time Traveller come to as he watched Weena sleep?

Answer: The meat he had seen on the Morlock’s table was an Eloi.

Question: Why did the Morlock’s run away from the Time Traveller in the woods?

Answer: The wood was on fire.

Question: Where did the Time Traveller finally find his Time Machine?

Answer: In the pedestal of the white statue.

Question: Where had the Time Traveller got the flowers he brought home with him?

Answer: Weena had put them in his pocket.

Further reading

The Time Machine by Eric Brown AR Quiz Answers

The Hostile Hospital AR Quiz Answers

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince AR Quiz Answers