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How to Make Money on TikTok Shop: Ultimate Guide for 2024

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While scrolling through TikTok, you see a video of someone showing products.

You click on the link and buy the product they are showing.

And that’s when you realize – you can do the same thing yourself and make money on TIkTok.

After doing some research, you decide to give TikTok Shop a try.

If this is you, you’re exactly on the right article.

Below, I’ll show you how to make money on TIkTok shop correctly.

Steps To Making Money On TikTok Shop

Are you a content creator looking to monetize your audience?

A brand wanting to tap into TikTok’s massive user base?

No matter where you categorize yourself, these are the steps to make money on TikTok Shop.

1. Add Product Links to Your Videos and Bio


First things first, you must think about product links.

You know those catchy videos you’ve been creating?

It’s time to make them work for you.

Adding product links directly to your TikTok videos and bio leaves a trail of breadcrumbs for your viewers to follow.

And guess where these breadcrumbs take them?

Straight to your shop.

Utilize that “link in bio” feature to its fullest.

This option is a great way to direct traffic to specific products or collections.

2. Get Creative with Your Content

Gone are the days of boring product demonstrations.

Think of your TikTok videos as mini-movies showcasing your products.

Tell a story, make people laugh, or solve a problem.

The key is to connect emotionally with your audience.

Show them how your product can make their lives easier, more fun, or just plain better.

Remember, on TikTok, entertainment is key.

Trends and challenges are the lifeblood of TikTok.

Jumping on them can skyrocket your visibility.

See a dance challenge that’s going viral?

Think about how you can incorporate your product into it.

Hear a sound that everyone’s using?

Browse what’s trending and find a clever way to make it relevant to what you’re selling.

Browse what’s trending


It’s all about being part of the conversation and showing your products in a context that resonates with viewers.

4. Be Consistent

Consistency is key on TikTok, just like any other platform.

Set up a posting schedule and stick to it.

Your followers should know when to expect new content from you.

But it’s not just about when you post.

It’s also about when your audience is most active.

Dive into your TikTok analytics and find those golden hours when your viewers will most likely be scrolling.

That’s when you want your content to hit their “For You” page.

5. Use Collaborations To Expand Your Reach

TikTok is all about community, so why not partner with other creators?

Find influencers or fellow TikTokers who share your target audience.

The key here is that they aren’t direct competitors.

There are many ways to set up these collaborations.

Collaborate on videos, cross-promote each other’s products, or even host live shopping events together.

It’s a win-win situation – you both get exposed to new potential customers.

6. Optimize Your TikTok Shop Front

Your TikTok Shop storefront is your digital storefront.

6. Optimize Your TikTok Shop Front


Make it shine by organizing it in a way that’s visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Think about what catches your eye when you’re shopping online.

Highlight your best-selling items or seasonal products prominently.

Make it so irresistible that viewers can’t help but tap that ‘Shop Now’ button.

7. Promote, Promote, Promote

Don’t be shy about promoting your TikTok Shop.

Remind your audience about it regularly in your videos and bio.

Use clear call-to-action phrases like “Check out our latest collection in our TikTok Shop” or “Swipe up to shop the look.”

The more you mention it, the more likely your viewers will check it out.

8. Consider Running TikTok Ads

Lastly, consider running TikTok ads to take things to the next level.

TikTok Ads


Organic reach is great, but sometimes you need that extra boost.

TikTok’s advertising platform lets you create targeted campaigns to reach specific demographics.

You can run in-feed ads that blend seamlessly with organic content.

You could also even sponsor hashtag challenges to get massive exposure.

Best Practices for Creating Engaging Product Content on TikTok

Before you put all the above into action, here are some best practices to consider.

Understand Your Audience

Dive into those TikTok analytics – they’re a goldmine of information.


  • Who are your followers?
  • Where are they from?
  • What gets them excited?

Once you’ve got these insights, you can tailor your content to speak directly to their hearts (and wallets).

Identify Their Needs

But it’s not just about who they are – it’s about what they need.

What problems are they facing that your product can solve?

Maybe your eco-friendly water bottle is perfect for the environmentally conscious college student, or your stylish planners are a game-changer for busy professionals.

Find that connection, and you’ve got content that engages and resonates.

Create Attention-Grabbing Content

Now, let’s talk about creating content that stops the scroll.

I’m sure you know the moment.

You’re mindlessly flipping through TikTok and suddenly, something catches your eye.

That’s what we’re aiming for.

You can do this at the beginning of your videos.

Start them with a bang – a surprising fact, a jaw-dropping visual, or a question that makes viewers think, “Wait, what?”

You’ve got about three seconds to grab their attention.

Make them count!

Tell a Story

Grabbing attention is just the start.

To keep viewers watching, you need to tell a story.

People love stories – it’s hardwired into our brains.

So, don’t just show your product; weave it into a narrative.

Maybe it’s the journey of how your product came to be or a day in the life of someone using it.

The more your viewers can see themselves in the story, the more likely they will engage with your content (and product).

Focus on Video Quality

On TikTok, shorter is often sweeter.

Aim for that sweet spot of 15 to 30 seconds.

It’s long enough to get your message across but short enough to keep viewers engaged.

And for the love of all things viral, focus on quality.

Good lighting, clear audio, and crisp visuals can distinguish between a scroll-past and a share.

Utilize TikTok Features

Speaking of sharing, let’s chat about TikTok features.

You know those trending sounds everyone’s using?

Jump on that bandwagon!

Using popular audio can skyrocket your video’s visibility.

And don’t be shy about using duets, stitches, and going live.

These features are like TikTok’s secret sauce for engagement.

They’re also invitations for your audience to join in on the action.

Be Authentic

Now, here’s a big one – authenticity.

It’s not a buzzword.

Instead, it’s your ticket to building a loyal following.

Respond to comments, answer questions, and show the human side of your brand.


Now you know how to make money on TikTok Shop.

You’ll be in great shape if you can be creative and use TikTok’s tools.

To give you action steps to get you started:

  • Add product links to your videos and bio.
  • Jump on trends and challenges.
  • Be consistent and keep posting.
  • Collaborate with other creators to reach more people.
  • Make your TikTok Shop look great and easy to use.
  • And optionally, promote your shop and even try TikTok ads.

Remember, TikTok is fun, so have fun with it!

Try new things and see what works best for you.

Further reading on

If you’re looking to enhance your TikTok game, explore these faceless TikTok ideas that can help you go viral.

For a broader range of content, check out the best TikTok video ideas to keep your audience engaged.

You can also dive deeper into monetization with the best high-paying affiliate programs.

Additionally, learn how to leverage technology with guides on using AI voice on TikTok and undoing reposts.