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Dating Barnaby Answers in Hogwarts Mystery

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In Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, you choose what kind of witch or wizard you want to be.

Master powerful spells, brew potions, discover rooms, forge alliances, and more.

Investigate mysteries at Hogwarts, befriend magical creatures, and form unique relationships.

Customize your avatar with tons of hair and clothing choices and design your dream dorm.

Note: In the answers below, green indicates the best answer (dark green + underlined).

This guide contains the best dating Barnaby answers in Hogwarts Mystery (garden, courtyard, and tea shop/Madame Puddifoot’s date).

Garden date

Q: No one’s ever given me flowers before…

  • Pick Daisies
  • Pick Thistle
  • Pick Dandelions

Q: [Your Name], can you do something so he doesn’t fear us?

  • Gaze into Fang’s eyes
  • Shout ‘Look, a Fairy!’
  • Pet Fang

Q: Do you think he’d mind if we picked a few [pumpkins]?

  • Let’s do it!
  • They’re not ours to pick
  • Let’s do something else

Q: If our date wasn’t going well, would you tell me the truth?

  • I’d tell the truth
  • I’d say something nice instead
  • I wouldn’t speak at all

Q: If we weren’t here together, what would I be doing?

  • Making friends
  • Making trouble
  • Making time for yourself

Courtyard date

Q: If we could go anywhere in the world together, where would you like to go?

  • The Quidditch World Cup
  • Dragon Racing
  • The Moon

Q: Can you guess what I’m looking at?

  • A Shooting Star
  • A Constellation of Phoenix
  • The Big Dipper

Q: What do you think we should wish for?

  • World Peace
  • Unlimited Riches
  • Unlimited Wishes

Q: Anyway, how fast do you want to ride, [Name]?

  • We’ll take it slow.
  • As fast as possible!
  • Let’s decide once we’re going.

Q: I know just the thing!

  • Grab a Butterbeer
  • Grab a water
  • Grab a juice

Tea shop date

Q: Ah yes, I know exactly what you’re thinking of!

  • Order Ginger Newts
  • Order a Cauldron Cake
  • Order a Treacle Tart

Q: If only you could invent some kind of magical tea to help me, [Name]. What would it be?

  • Mind Enhancer
  • Dream Enhancer
  • Strength Enhancer

Q: What do you think of the doilies… I mean, these decorations [Name]?

  • It’s perfect
  • It’s a bit garish
  • They’re not romantic enough

Q: I think I know just what to order.

  • Order sweetened tea
  • Order herbal tea
  • Order spicy tea

Tea shop date (Beyond Hogwarts)

Q: I love that idea, [Your Name]. As long as what you order comes with sugar.

Q: Still, I miss Hogwarts a lot. Is there something you miss about Hogwarts?

Q: I’ll be happy with whatever you decide to order, as long as there’s a lot!

Q: If it’s not too much to ask… What did you think of me back then?

Q: Is there something surprising about me you learned after we got to know each other?

Further reading

Gobstones with Skye Answers in Hogwarts Mystery

Gobstones with Penny Haywood Answers in Hogwarts Mystery

Gobstones with Ben Answers in Hogwarts Mystery