HTX Quiz Answers – Followchain

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Once you’re on HTX, select Content > HTX Learn > select the current quiz.

This guide contains the HTX quiz answers (a liquidity restaking protocol) to earn 1000 ETHFI as learning rewards.

HTX Quiz Answers

Question: Among whom will’s auction fee be evenly distributed?

Answer: Stakers, node operators, and the protocol.

Question: How much do node operators need to pay to qualify for staking?

Answer: 0.03 ETH.

Question: Which sector does fit into?

Answer: Liquid restaking.

Question: What is’s governance token?

Answer: ETHFI.

Question: What is the proportion of staking rewards received by stakers?

Answer: 90%.

Further reading

HTX Portal Quiz Answers

HTX ROOT Quiz Answers

HTX Beoble Quiz Answers

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