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The 7 Tech Giants Vs AI: Will ChatGPT Dominate the Landscape?

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Every decade or so a new technology touches public consciousness. 

Try this AI-powered business tool:

  • Airgram is an AI-tool that records, transcribes, summarizes, and shares meeting conversations. It transcribes speech into searchable text and creates sharable video clips.

Social media was the last big revolution that became a conversation at dinner parties. But now there’s a new kid on the block. 

Artificial Intelligence. AI. Its human face? ChatGPT. 

Research with a human interface.

ChatGPT started a viral global conversation that hasn’t stopped and has just started. 

The genie is out of the box. 

It’s not perfect but it works.  

And the fuel that powers its intelligence is data!

Why does data matter in an AI world?

Data is the electricity of AI and ChatGPT. 

The more data the smarter. 

Data is the foundation of artificial intelligence, and it plays a critical role in the development and success of AI. The relationship between data and AI can be compared to the relationship between electricity and the development of the modern world. 

Electricity is the backbone of modern infrastructure, and without it, many of our daily activities would be impossible. Similarly, AI is built upon data, and without it, AI systems cannot function. So… therefore data is the electricity of AI.

AI systems learn from data, just as humans learn from experience. That is the experiential data of life. Vision. Hearing. Feeling. And all the senses.

The more data an AI system is trained on, the more accurate and intelligent it becomes. AI algorithms are designed to identify patterns and make predictions based on the patterns they have learned from the data.

Without data, AI systems cannot learn, and their predictive abilities will be limited.


The quality and quantity of data have a significant impact on the performance of AI systems. The more data an AI system has, the more accurate its predictions and decisions will be. However, the quality of the data is also essential. 

Poor quality data, such as data with errors, bias, or missing values, can lead to inaccurate predictions and decisions.

Data types

The type of data used in AI systems also matters. Different AI systems require different types of data, such as structured data, unstructured data, or semi-structured data.

Structured data, such as data in a database, is easy for machines to process, and it is commonly used in AI applications such as recommendation systems and fraud detection.

Unstructured data, such as text and images, is more challenging for machines to process, but it is used in applications such as natural language processing and computer vision.

Semi-structured data, such as XML and JSON, is used in applications that require a combination of structured and unstructured data.

The importance of data in AI can be seen in the success of companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. These companies have access to massive amounts of data from their users, which they use to develop and improve their AI systems. For example, Google uses data from its search engine to improve its natural language processing algorithms, while Amazon uses data from its customers to personalize its product recommendations.

The importance of data

Data is also essential for the development of AI in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. 

  • In healthcare, AI systems are used to analyze medical data and develop personalized treatment plans for patients. 
  • In finance, AI systems are used to detect fraud and predict market trends. 
  • In transportation, AI systems are used to improve traffic flow and reduce accidents.

The use of data in AI also raises ethical and privacy concerns. The collection and use of data can lead to privacy violations and bias in AI systems.

For example, if an AI system is trained on biased data, it will make biased decisions. Therefore, it is important to ensure that data used in AI systems is unbiased and that the privacy of individuals is protected.

Data is the electricity of AI

Without data, AI systems cannot function, and their predictive abilities will be limited. The quality, quantity, and type of data used in AI systems also play a crucial role in their performance. 

The importance of data in AI can be seen in the success of companies such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. However, the use of data in AI also raises ethical and privacy concerns, which need to be addressed to ensure the responsible use of AI. Therefore, data is not only the foundation of AI but also a critical factor in its development and success.

What are the other key building blocks of AI and ChatGPT?

Apart from data, there are other important foundations of AI. And you may have sensed them but not seen them.

Algorithms: Algorithms are the mathematical models that process data and extract patterns, features, and insights. They are the driving force behind AI systems and are used to train models that can learn from data and make predictions. AI algorithms can be categorized into supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

Computing Power: AI requires significant computing power to process large amounts of data and train complex models. The development of high-performance computing, cloud computing, and graphics processing units (GPUs) has significantly increased the speed and efficiency of AI systems.

Domain Knowledge: Domain knowledge refers to the expertise and understanding of a particular field, industry, or problem. It is essential in AI to ensure that the data is relevant, and the models are accurate and reliable. Domain knowledge is used to inform the selection of features, design of models, and interpretation of results.

Human Input: AI systems require human input to improve their performance, evaluate their outputs, and correct their mistakes. Human input is essential to ensure the accuracy, fairness, and ethical use of AI systems. It also involves the collaboration between humans and machines, such as human-in-the-loop and human-machine teaming.

Ethics and Regulations: The development and use of AI raise ethical and social concerns, such as bias, privacy, transparency, and accountability. Therefore, it is essential to establish ethical guidelines and regulations to ensure the responsible use of AI and prevent its negative consequences.

Data is a critical foundation of AI, but it is not the only one. AI systems also require algorithms, computing power, domain knowledge, human input, and ethics and regulations to function effectively and responsibly. These foundations work together to develop and apply AI systems that can address complex problems, improve human decision-making, and enhance human well-being.

Who are the 7 global giants of data that could control the AI ecosystem?

The seven global giants of data, also known as the “Big Seven,” are Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. Collectively, these companies have access to vast amounts of data, as they are some of the largest data-driven companies in the world.

The numbers

It’s difficult to estimate the exact amount of data these companies have access to, as it’s constantly growing and evolving. However, we can look at some statistics to get an idea of the scale:

  • Google handles over 3.5 billion searches per day, which equates to around 1.2 trillion searches per year. That provides Google with vast amounts of data to help AI get smarter
  • Facebook has over 2.7 billion active users, who generate an enormous amount of data through their interactions on the platform. Facebook used that data without our permission and handed it over to Cambridge Analytica. That is now a billion-dollar court case. 
  • Amazon has over 300 million active users and processes more than 10 million orders per day. Their insights into our buying habits and preferences are both good and slightly creepy. 

Then there are other big players such as Apple that has sold 2.2 billion smartphones that collect data at a huge scale. But they are maybe a bit behind in the AI arms race. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of the 7 big players.

  1. Amazon: Amazon is one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world and has a significant presence in cloud computing through its Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. AWS provides a range of AI services such as machine learning, natural language processing, and speech recognition.
  2. Google: Google is one of the most dominant players in the AI ecosystem, with a vast amount of data generated from its search engine, email, and other services. Google has also developed a range of AI products such as TensorFlow, a popular open-source machine learning platform.
  3. Microsoft: Microsoft has made significant investments in artificial intelligence and is a major player in the AI ecosystem through its Azure cloud platform. Microsoft has also developed a range of AI products such as Cognitive Services, which provides pre-built AI models for vision, speech, language, and decision-making. It also has invested more than $10 billion in ChatGPT. 
  4. Facebook: Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world and has access to vast amounts of data generated by its users. Facebook has also developed a range of AI products such as DeepFace, a facial recognition software that can recognize faces with high accuracy.
  5. Alibaba: Alibaba is one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world and has a significant presence in the Chinese market. Alibaba has developed a range of AI products such as its AI-powered customer service chatbot, which can handle millions of customer inquiries per day.
  6. Baidu: Baidu is a Chinese search engine company and has made significant investments in AI research and development. Baidu has developed a range of AI products such as its autonomous driving platform, Apollo, which aims to provide a safe and efficient driving experience.
  7. Tencent: Tencent is a Chinese technology company and is one of the largest gaming companies in the world. Tencent has also made significant investments in AI and has developed a range of AI products such as its AI-powered customer service chatbot, which can understand natural language and respond to customer inquiries in real-time.

These seven global giants of data and have significant influence in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technologies. They have access to vast amounts of data, resources, and expertise, which give them a competitive advantage in the artificial intelligence ecosystem. 

However, it’s important to note that the AI ecosystem is constantly evolving, and new players may emerge that can disrupt the dominance of these global giants. Additionally, regulatory frameworks and ethical considerations will also play a critical role in shaping the development and use of artificial intelligence technologies.

How do the smaller players access the “AI” power grid of the “Big 7”?

All the data and algorithms that power artificial intelligence can be accessed via the AI grid. This is enabled through API’s (The acronym API stands for “Application Programming Interface.” It refers to a set of protocols, routines, and tools that enable communication between different software applications).

Startups and companies don’t need to create all that themselves but just plugin and use the data and the intelligence of the software that has already been built by the global giants without having to develop their own AI infrastructure.

Here are some ways that smaller companies can use artificial intelligence APIs to create products and services:

Natural Language Processing (NLP) – APIs can be used to develop chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational interfaces that can understand and respond to human language. Companies can use NLP APIs to analyze customer interactions and gain insights into customer behavior.

Computer Vision – APIs can be used to develop applications that can recognize and interpret images and videos. For example, companies can use computer vision APIs to develop facial recognition software, object detection systems, and other image-based applications.

Machine Learning – APIs can be used to develop predictive models that can analyze data and provide insights into customer behavior. Companies can use machine learning APIs to develop personalized recommendations, fraud detection systems, and other data-driven applications.

Speech Recognition – AI APIs can be used to develop applications that can understand and interpret human speech. Companies can use speech recognition APIs to develop voice assistants, call center software, and other speech-based applications.

Overall, artificial intelligence APIs provide smaller companies with access to powerful algorithms and platforms that can help them develop innovative products and services. By leveraging the benefits of artificial intelligence, companies can gain a competitive advantage in the market and improve the customer experience.

So in essence the smaller companies and startups can charge their AI batteries and resources from the “7 Giants” power grid.

What do we mean by the term “Power Grid Vs AI Batteries” in the evolution of AI?

The terms “Power Grid” and “AI Batteries” are used to describe two different approaches to the evolution of artificial inteligence.

The Power Grid approach is similar to the traditional approach to electricity generation. In this approach, a centralized power grid generates electricity and distributes it to end-users.

Similarly, in the Power Grid approach, a centralized system generates and stores data and distributes it to artificial intelligence applications. This centralized system can be controlled by a single entity or a consortium of entities.

The AI Batteries approach, on the other hand, is similar to the use of batteries in mobile devices. In this approach, small, decentralized devices such as smartphones or tablets generate and store their own data, and applications are run locally on the device. This approach is often referred to as edge computing or fog computing.

The Power Grid approach to artificial intelligence has been dominant in the development so far. Large technology companies such as Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have centralized data centers that store massive amounts of data and run applications on this data. These companies have access to vast amounts of data from their users and use this data to train and improve their artificial intelligence systems.

However, the Power Grid approach to artificial intelligence has some limitations. It requires significant investment in infrastructure, and it can be difficult to ensure the privacy and security of the data. Moreover, it is often slow and expensive to transfer large amounts of data from the centralized system to the end-user.

The AI Batteries approach, on the other hand, has several advantages. It allows for faster and more efficient processing of data, as AI applications are run locally on the device. It also ensures the privacy and security of the data, as it is stored locally on the device. Moreover, it allows for more personalized and contextualized AI applications, as the data is generated by the user.

The AI Batteries approach is particularly relevant in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), where a large number of devices are connected to the internet and generate massive amounts of data. In this context, edge computing can be used to process the data locally on the device and reduce the need for data transfer to the centralized system.

To summarise, the terms “Power Grid” and “AI Batteries” are used to describe two different approaches to the evolution of artificial intelligence. The Power Grid approach is similar to the traditional approach to electricity generation, while the AI Batteries approach is similar to the use of batteries in mobile devices. The Power Grid approach has been dominant in the development of the technology so far, but the AI Batteries approach has several advantages, particularly in the context of the Internet of Things. Both approaches are likely to coexist and complement each other in the future of artificial intelligence.

How will startups use data to build niche AI industries?

Startups can use data to build niche AI industries in several ways. 

Here are a few examples:

Identify a specific industry or problem area

Startups can identify a specific industry or problem area where there is a need for AI solutions. For example, a startup could focus on developing tools for precision agriculture, healthcare, or finance. By focusing on a specific industry, startups can build domain expertise and develop solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of that industry.

Collect and analyze data

Startups can collect and analyze data relevant to their industry or problem area. For example, a precision agriculture startup could collect data on soil moisture, temperature, and crop growth to develop predictive models for optimal crop yield. A healthcare startup could collect data on patient health records and medical imaging to develop diagnostic tools or personalized treatment plans. By collecting and analyzing data, startups can identify patterns and insights that can be used to develop AI-powered solutions.

Develop AI models 

Startups can use the data they collect to develop models that can be used to solve specific problems or automate tasks. For example, a finance startup could use AI to automate fraud detection, while a precision agriculture startup could use it to optimize irrigation schedules. By developing AI models, startups can create innovative solutions that are more efficient and effective than traditional approaches.

Partner with other companies

Startups can partner with other companies in their industry or problem area to access more data or to gain access to specialized expertise. For example, a healthcare startup could partner with a hospital to gain access to patient data or with a medical imaging company to gain access to specialized expertise in image analysis. By partnering with other companies, startups can leverage their resources and build more robust solutions.

Focus on ethics and transparency

Startups can differentiate themselves from larger companies by focusing on ethics and transparency in their use of data. By being transparent about how they collect and use data and by prioritizing ethical considerations, startups can build trust with their customers and gain a competitive advantage.

So…startups can use data by identifying a specific industry or problem area, collecting and analyzing data, developing new models, partnering with other companies, and focusing on ethics and transparency. 

By leveraging data and AI technologies, startups can create innovative solutions that address specific industry needs and differentiate themselves from larger companies.

What products and services are AI startups using to build innovative AI businesses?

Startups are using access to the APIs of big platforms like ChatGPT to build innovative AI businesses in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:

Building chatbots and virtual assistants: Startups can use the natural language processing capabilities of ChatGPT to build chatbots and virtual assistants that can interact with customers and provide personalized recommendations. For example, a startup could build a chatbot that helps customers find the right product or service based on their preferences and needs.

Developing predictive models: Startups can use the machine learning capabilities of ChatGPT to develop predictive models that can be used to solve specific problems or automate tasks. For example, a startup could use ChatGPT to develop a predictive model that analyzes customer data to identify patterns and trends, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions.

Enhancing existing products and services: Startups can use the APIs of big platforms like ChatGPT to enhance existing products and services. For example, a healthcare startup could use ChatGPT to develop a tool that analyzes patient health data and provides personalized treatment recommendations.

Creating new products and services: Startups can use the APIs of big platforms like ChatGPT to create entirely new AI-powered products and services. For example, a startup could use ChatGPT to build a personalized content recommendation engine that suggests articles and videos based on a user’s interests and preferences.

Providing specialized AI services: Startups can use their expertise in specific domains to provide specialized artificial intelligence services to businesses. For example, a startup could provide translation services for businesses operating in multiple countries or a startup could provide image analysis services for businesses operating in the medical imaging industry.

Has ChatGPT won the race?

ChatGPT has taken research and made it visible and usable. The challenge now is for it to continue to dominate the landscape. Research is a good idea in a lab of the surreal looking to make a difference for humans in the world of the real.  

ChatGPT has done that. 

But can they maintain that?

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