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What role does AI play in shaping the metaverse?

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Marina Protocol is a global Web 3.0 tutorial platform with learning materials.

It provides beginners with easy-to-use content and advanced interfaces for activities.

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You can download the app from the Google Play Store and create a new account.

To begin a quiz, open the Marina Protocol app, tap on “Learn & Earn”, and choose the correct answer.

In this guide, you’ll learn the answer to “What role does AI play in shaping the metaverse?” in Marina Protocol.

What role does AI play in shaping the metaverse?

Question: What role does AI play in shaping the metaverse?

Answer: Enhancing user experiences through personalized interactions.

Further reading

Who is the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin?

What is the underlying technology behind blockchain?

Which blockchain consensus algorithm aims to achieve agreement through a combination of reputation and token ownership?

The post What role does AI play in shaping the metaverse? appeared first on Followchain.