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How to Do the “What Cake R U?” Quiz

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“What Cake R U?” or “What cake are you?” is a personality quiz that went viral on Instagram.

The quiz is created by CakeResume, an international job search and recruitment platform.

It contains multiple questions with two choices each that matches you with a dessert.

The dessert that you’re match with is based on your answers (e.g. cupcake).

In this guide, you’ll learn how to do the “What cake R U?” quiz by CakeResume for the “Add Yours” Instagram story (in English).

How to do the “What Cake R U?” quiz

To do the “What Cake R U?” quiz, you need to visit the Ooopen Lab website.

Once you’re there, select “Start the test” followed by “Enter the village” and answer the questions.

Here’s how to do the test:

  1. Go to
  2. Translate the page from Chinese to English.
  3. Select “Start the test” followed by “Enter the village”.
  4. Answer all of the questions without hesitation (you’ll be given two choices for each question).
  5. Once you’ve answerd all of the questions, select “Check out my destined role”.
  6. Tap and hold on the image and save it to your gallery.
  7. Share the image to your Instagram story!

Note: Due to the overwhelming number of visitors, the page might not be able to load.

If the page is not loading, you can bookmark it and check back later when it’s less crowded.

Further reading

How to Do the What’s Your Elemental Taiwan Test

How to Do the Taiwan Design Expo Personality Test

How to Play the TikTok Marshmallow Game (One Marshmallow Check it Out)