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The Time Machine by Eric Brown AR Quiz Answers

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Accelerated Reader is a reading program designed for students’ reading practice.

It’s suitable for various settings, including in-person, remote, and hybrid learning.

Based on student’s interests, AR includes goals, quizzes, and recommendations.

The program tracks progress through reports and offers insights into students’ literacy.

Additionally, it provides user-friendly tools for administrators, teachers, and families.

This guide contains all of The Time Machine AR quiz answers by Eric Brown (Renaissance Accelerated Reading).

The Time Machine by Eric Brown AR Quiz Answers

Question: A week before his adventure, which of these did the time traveller do?

Answer: He showed his friends a prototype machine, choosing one to help activate it.

Question: What had the time traveller done when the people in robes approached him?

Answer: He unscrewed his machine’s control panel levers and put them in his pocket.

Question: The time traveller had learned the robed people were “the Eloi” when he —.

Answer: Joined them for a meal in a great hall.

Question: On finding his machine had gone, the time traveller had worked out that —.

Answer: It was inside the pedestal under the white sphinx.

Question: What had led to the time traveller making friends with a woman called Weena?

Answer: He saved her from drowning.

Question: What had the time traveller realised upon following a red-eyed creature?

Answer: Humankind had changed into two distinct animals.

Question: Which of these had the time traveller come across in the Morlock’s cavern?

Answer: A table laid with a meal, which he saw after detecting the smell of blood.

Question: The time traveller had found items to fight the Morlocks with when he —.

Answer: Explored the palace of green porcelain with Weena.

Question: What had the time traveller done, causing the attacking Morlocks to flee?

Answer: He set the forest on fire.

Question: As proof of his adventures, what did the time traveller show his friends?

Answer: A garland of flowers that Weena had put in his pocket.

Further reading

The Hostile Hospital AR Quiz Answers

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince AR Quiz Answers

War of the Worlds AR Quiz Answers